NATURALS commission

Here is a collection of work from my Naturals Series that I painted specifically for a great client!! She had a color she wanted to use, so I incorporated it into the pallette. I made the hanging canvas by sewing it together with twine and using a curtain rod to hang that the client picked out herself. The other two smaller canvas's are 10x10 squares that hang together as on piece to compliment the larger canvas. Check it out...and if you like, I would be glad to make something for YOU as well!

C4C...Care for Creation

C4C...Care for Creation...a group that Bryan and I joined at West Market St United Methodist Church to help bring recycling, reusing and overall awareness of how we should care for our world.

This is a mural I created (with the help from the members of the group) to illustrate what C4C has accomplished in the last year. We have Recycling Cans distributed around the church, Reusing Coffee Mugs during the week of events, instead of styrofoam, and are selling Heirloom Better Boy Tomato Plants from local Faucette Farms as a fundraiser!!! If anyone is interested, we are selling each plant for $2.00 and they will be available for pick up at the end of April- beginning of May!!!

The mural was created entirely from torn paper out of old magazines and paper.....a recycled concept was only fit for Caring for Creation!!!