An Old Favorite...to reopen! Soon enough we will all have a new restaurant to enjoy, especially for all you Kirkwooders and Irving Parkers. Yes, Southern Lights will be reopening at the Shops at Kirkwood sometime this month, so be on the look out! You can't possibly miss the new sign...or should I say the Awning Sign! John Drees, hired me to paint & letter the awning, and while seeming an easy task it turned into a bit of a challenge. I always say that I will just about paint anything, so why not try a HUGE awning. But, who would have guessed that a green awning would SOAK up 4 gallons of black paint, yes I did say 4 gallons. The lettering which would seem like the hard part, quickly became the easiest part of the whole project. Rolling paint on an awning, well.....I can say I learned much. So if anyone needs some tips, you know who to come to!
It turned out great, however, and I can't wait to EAT. And Thanks John!